Are Hairballs Normal for Cats?

Are Hairballs Normal for Cats?

Cat ownership involves coming across furry, slimy hairballs. Depending on your cat’s hair coat length, you may encounter hairballs with such regular frequency that you become worried about your feline friend’s health. Let’s take a closer look at how hairballs are...
Clicker Training 101

Clicker Training 101

So, you got a new puppy. Now what? The first step to creating a positive, lifelong relationship with your dog is to train them to be a well-behaved companion. For many new pet owners, training a puppy can seem like a daunting task, but all you really need is a clicker...
Leptospirosis Outbreak

Leptospirosis Outbreak

Recently there was an outbreak in several dogs of leptospirosis in a boarding facility not far from our North Scottsdale Grayhawk location. To try to ensure that our pet-parents understand the possible risk to their loved dogs, please read the following info on this...
VIDEO with Channel 3

VIDEO with Channel 3

North Scottsdale Veterinarians using Fear Free approach for your pets – takin Yesterday, Dr. Berman and Dr. Kitchen were interviewed by channel 3 on how to make visits to the vet less stressful for your pets! They gave several great tips – check out the...